Creativity and Time. When your a creative person, I think you think of ideas constantly. At least I do. The ideas never stop, I'll be driving to work or walking to the grocery store and I have 10 ideas stirring in my mind all at once. I often have to tell myself to slow down, I literally will say "Remy, lets be a little realistic here". But I cant, I just need more time. Lately, I have been thinking time is my enemy, I wait for the weekends to finally have a day or two to create and live out my weekly dreams/ideas, but then life gets in the way. Cleaning, or things come up. Then I find myself rushing my craft, or stressing about how much time I don't have before I even start. Its not a great practice.
So lately I have tried to change my perspective. One cant afford to sustain all my crafts without an income. Therefore this is a priority.. to work! This is my reality, as it is for everyone around the world. Good job Remy! But with this thought ( reminder ) in mind, I changed my perspective. The crafts I do on my free time are 100% for me and my enjoyment. I have the rest of my life to live out every idea I have, there is no rush. Let me just repeat this for myself. There is no rush. For some reason, this reminder gave me a sense of peace. I have time, and maybe those ideas I have now may not be best lived out at this moment. Maybe in 15 years I will have the skillsets to really develop those ideas even better! So now instead on Saturday or Sunday morning when I start my creative pursuits, I remind myself I have time and that everything will develop in its own accord.
Spending time with my mom are moments I look forward to. We were able to enjoy the London's Artist Studio Tour last weekend for a little bit, and it was so great to see what the artist's in London are up to. Such an inspiring day!
One of my recent projects is block printed curtains to bring in some Spring joy into our kitchen. I purchased one of the Molly Mahon Block Printing Kits. I bought the Blue Delphinium Block ( ), as the flowers and they're fragrance are a reminder of Spring. My mom taught be how to sew, and I completed four little curtains. Afterwards Nolan and I printed the block on the curtains. All you have to do is iron the fabric to set the paint, and you are complete. I am happy with the turnout and it was so fun to create them - especially learning how to sew ( my new obsession ).

Learning to sew at my parents house.
Back at home printing the block, and seeing the finished product hanging up in the kitchen.
We welcomed a new friend into our little life. He came with the name Laurence, and for right now it is sticking. I find he really suits his name. He is very sweet and cozy, super cuddly and enjoys spending time with us.

Laurence relaxing in my studio.
I think it is well known that to really become a master at a craft you have to put time into it every single day. Life can get so busy and before you know it, the last time you painted or tested your creative abilities, a week has gone by. What does it mean to be a master of something? I think we are never truly a master, and that we will always be constantly learning. If the craft you are doing is for you and your own peace and enjoyment, then do that craft whenever you get the chance ( in my humble opinion ). Don't put pressure on yourself to be a master of it, just do it because you enjoy it! Who's watching? Really, all that matters is that your are happy. When you are happy you are able to be that positive force for the people you love. That's truly what matters - love.